I guess this is sort of a way for me to keep track and also feel like I have some accountability (even though a blog really doesn't do that in itself).
Things that I have been wanting to do:
1) Learn to solve a Rubik's Cube
2) Learn to play the guitar
3) Lose weight
4) Start a vlog
5) Bake more, and post the stuff online
6) Draw more, and post that online
7) Also do video responses on my YouTube (along with the vlog)
8) Write music, and record it
9) Re-learn the Japanese hirigana and katakana charts
Those are sort of the top "I want to do this" things in my head. Let's look at the progress on those after the jump:
1) Learn to solve a Rubik's Cube - I actually started learning this the other day. I watched some videos on a certain algorithm pattern for solving it, and I've started to memorize some of the algorithms. It might take some time. Memory is not my forté.
2) Learn to play the guitar - Well, I finally have a guitar as of last week! And my friend came over and re-strung it for me. Last night I printed off basic chord fingerings, and practiced a bit. Hopefully if I keep that up, I will be able to play a song one day!
3) Lose weight - The perpetual goal of most women. Honestly I don't usually worry about this one, sitting comfortably at a size 14 average size (My body type would not allow a size 6, say) but about a year ago I got kind of depressed and have ballooned somewhere between a 16 and up... I don't know what size I am right now. I refuse to buy fat clothing. So I've decided to kick the weight gain and shed some extra pounds. I'm not looking to be a super model - just something that's normal for me - a size 12 would be AMAZING. I started a diet, and I should probably exercise more, since there's nothing but laziness stopping me.
4) Start a vlog - Well, not having a camera hinders that one at the moment. Ironically, I broke it at VidCon.
5) Bake more, and post the stuff online - That... I could probably start using this blog for, a la Bakerella.
6) Draw more, and post that online - I'd probably continue to use SmackJeeves for that, and maybe DeviantArt. The biggest hinderance is that the computer I use my tablet on can't go online, so I'm stuck using my husband's computer for internet until I get a second monitor, or a switch.
7) Also do video responses on my YouTube (along with the vlog) - Again, lack of camera mostly.
8) Write music, and record it - Well, I tend to write lyrics sporadically... One of those songs has music now, thanks to my friend. We have yet to record it, but hopefully we can do more music stuff once our schedules permit.
9) Re-learn the Japanese hirigana and katakana charts - I learned them all in high school and have lost them entirely. All I really need to do is make flashcards again (and I have flashcards!) - I have not started working on this yet.
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